Elcad 1-4
Elcad 1-4

elcad 1-4

K Rózsa, M.Jánossy, P.Apai, P.Mezei, L.Csillag: “Lasers in hollow cathode discharges” Invited Lecture of Int. P.Apai, P.Mezei, K Rózsa, G.Rubin: “Cathode sputtered Cu-II lasers” Contr. K Rózsa, P.Apai, P.Mezei, G.Rubin, H.A.Phillips: “ High intensity hollow cathode light sources” Contr. P.Mezei: “Excitation processes and laser operation in slotted hollow cathode discharges” Thesis and dissertation for degree of the candidate of physical sciences, Budapest, 1989 18. M.Jánossy, K Rózsa, P.Apai, P.Mezei, P.Horváth, L.Csillag, N.Kroó: “Pulsed 469.4 nm hollow cathode He-Kr laser” Appl. on Lasers and Their Applications (ILA) p. excited hollow cathode He-Kr lasers” Book of Abstract of 5th Int. M.Jánossy, K Rózsa, P.Apai, L.Csillag, P.Mezei: “Operation characteristics of pulsed and d.c. M.Jánossy, P.Mezei, P.Horváth, L.Csillag: “Pulsed noble gas mixture slotted hollow cathode lasers” Opt. Mezei, M.Jánossy, P.Horváth: “Hollow cathode He-Ar lasers” Contr. M.Jánossy, P.Mezei, P.Horváth: “On the excitation of hollow cathode laser” Opt. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Ed. M.Jánossy, P.Mezei, P.Horváth: “Laser power enhancement in a pulsed He-Ar hollow cathode discharge” Contr. P.Mezei, K Rózsa, M.Jánossy, P.Apai: “Endoergic and resonant charge transfer reactions in He-Cu discharge” Appl.Phys. Kuen, M.Grindhammer: “Endoergic charge transfer reactions in the cathode glow” Contr. K Rózsa, P.Mezei, P.Apai, M.Jánossy, F.Howorka, I. K Rózsa, M.Jánossy, L.Csillag, P.Apai, P.Mezei: “On the hollow cathode He-Kr ion laser” in the book of “The Physics of Ionized Gases” Ed. helium and helium-krypton discharges in aluminium hollow cathode discharge tubes for blue He-Kr laser operation”. P.Apai, M.Jánossy, M.Jánossy, K Rózsa, G.Rubin: “D.c. Kuen, M.Grindhammer: “On the transition between hollow cathode and high voltage plane cathode type discharge”. K Rózsa, P.Mezei, P.Apai, M.Jánossy, S.Chinen, F.Howorka, I. Rózsa, P.Apai, P.Mezei: “Pulsed laser oscillation at 480 and 514.5 nm in He-Ar pseudospark discharge”. J.Christiansen, N.Lieser, W.Rath, W.Steudtner, K. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Budapest, 1985.

elcad 1-4

P.Mezei, M.Jánossy, M.Grindhammer: “Excitation of the Ar-II 476.5 nm line in Ar and He-Ar hollow cathode discharge”. P.Mezei: “The dependence of the He spectral lines on the gas pressure” Dissertation for Ph.D. P.Mezei, M.Jánossy, P.Apai: “ The pressure dependence of intensity ratio of the He spectral lines in a positive column discharge” KFKI-Report-1984-31 3. Kuen, S.Chinen, P.Apai, P.Mezei, M.Jánossy:”Endoergic charge transfer reactions near the cathode surface” Contr.

Elcad 1-4